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Type Coin Collecting
Coins on these pages are listed by type with links to auction pages. The other type pages are:Half Cents (with an introduction to type collecting)
Cents (Large cents and small cents -- please do not call them pennies!)
two cent pieces,three cent pieces,and nickels
half dimes and dimes
twenty cent pieces and quarters
half dollars
Type Coin Collecting: half dimes and dimes
On this page,I continue type coins with half dimes and dimes. All half dimes minted before 1805 are scarce (and therfore expensive for the first three varieties). Dimes did not kick off until 1796. Again the first two types are quite valuable. Many of the other early series of dimes are scarce. However,there are a few common dates,which will satisfy the type collector. For more information about a coins series, click on the coin type (note I do not have information about every series). To purchase coins (or browse) click on the auction entries.Type coin price guide
I have used the following symbols: $ under $10 in good $$ under $50 $$$ under $250 $$$$ under 1000 $$$$$ over 1000Half dime: flowing hair (1794-1795) $$$$
Half dime: draped bust (1796 to 1797) $$$$
Half dime: Draped Bust Heraldic Eagle (1800 to 1805) $$$$
Half Dime: Capped bust (1829 to 1837) $$
Half dime: Liberty Seated (1837 to 1873) $$
variety 1 no stars on obverse (1837 to 1838)
variety 2 stars on obverse (1837 to 1853 and 1856 to 1859)
variety 3 arrows at date(1853 to 1855)
variety 4 United States of America on Obverse (1860 to 1873)
Dime: Draped Bust small eagle (1796 to 1797) $$$$$
Dime: Draped Bust heraldic eagle (1798 to 1807) $$$
Dime: Capped Bust (1809 to 1837)$$
Dime: Liberty seated (1837 to 1891)$$
varieties: Variety 1 no stars on obverse (1837 to 1838 variety 2 stars on obverse (1938 to 1853) variety 3 arrows at date (1853 to 1855) variety 4 united states on obverse (1860 to 1873 and 1875 to 1891 variety 5 arrows at date (1873 to 1874)Dimes: Barber (1892 to 1916) $
Mercury Dimes $
Dimes: Roosevelt: (1946 to present) $

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