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Type Coin Collecting
Coins on these pages are listed by type with links to auction pages. the other type pages are:Half Cents (with an introduction to type collecting)
Cents (Large cents and small cents -- please do not call thempennies!)
two cent pieces,three cent pieces,and nickels
half dimes and dimes
twenty cent pieces and quarters
half dollars
Type Coin Collecting: Two cents,three cents, five cents
This is page two of type coins: two cents, three cents, and five cents,whcihis quite an assortment that includes denominations that did not last long. The two cent piece was a single desing that ran only ten years. Most fo the coins on this page are relatively easy to acquire.Type coin price guide
I have used the following symbols: $ under $10 in good $$ under $50 $$$ under $250 $$$$ under 1000 $$$$$ over 1000Two cent (1864 to 1873) $$
Three cent (silver) variety one (1851 to 1853)$$
Three cent (silver) variety two (1854 to 1858)$$
Three cent (silver) variety three (1859 to 1873)$$
three cent (nickel)$$
Nickel: shield
Nickel: Liberty head -- no cents (1883)
Nickel: Liberty head
Nickel: Buffalo vairety I raised ground
Nickel: Buffalo variety II
Nickel: Jefferson
Half dime: flowing hair (1794-1795)
Half dime: draped bust (1796 to 1797)
Half dime: Draped Bust Heraldic Eagle (1800 to 1805) Half Dime: Capped bust (1829 to 1837) Half dime: Liberty Seated (1837 to 1873)variety 1 no stars on obverse (1837 to 1838)
variety 2 stars on obverse (1837 to 1853 and 1856 to 1859)
variety 3 arrows at date(1853 to 1855)
variety 4 United States of America on Obverse (1860 to 1873)

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