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Type Coin Collecting
Coins on these pages are listed by type with links to auction pages. the other type pages are:Half Cents (with an introduction to type collecting)
Cents (Large cents and small cents -- please do not call thempennies!)
two cent pieces,three cent pieces,and nickels
half dimes and dimes
twenty cent pieces and quarters
half dollars
Half dollar type coins
Here we continue our type coin pages with the half dollar. The half dollar is one of the best denominations for type collecting. The coins are fairly large -- so the collection will lookmore impressive than a collection of half dimes. The early half dollars are relatively common,and therefore less expensive than the equivalent dime or quarter. More half dollars were made in the 1820's than today. The big exception is the draped bust,small eagle type, in which there were a total of only 3,918 minted during its two year stint. These coins will generally trade for well over $10,000. Start saving. The goal of type coin collecting is simple: to get one coin of each design. This is a much simpler process than trying to get all of the different dates and mintmarks. Clicking on the coin type will take you to further explanations about the series. Below each coin type are some auctions for the coins. Generally type collectors will try to get the highest grade of the most common date.Type coin price guide
I have used the following symbols: $ under $10 in good $$ under $50 $$$ under $250 $$$$ under 1000 $$$$$ over 1000Flowing Hair half dollar (1794 to 1795) $$$$$
half dollar: draped bust, small eagle (1796 to 1797) $$$$$
half dollar: draped bust; heraldic eagle (1801 to 1807) $$$
half dollar: capped bust (1807 to 1839)$$
half dollar: liberty seated (1839 to 1853)$$
Variety one (no motto) 1839 to 1853 and 1856 to 1866variety 2 arrows at date/rays (1853)
variety 3 arrows at date/no rays (1854 to 1855)
variety 4 In God we trust added (1866 to 1873 and 1875 to 1891)
variety 5 arrows at date (1873 to 1874)
half dollar: barber (1892 to 1915)$$
half dollar: walking liberty (1916 to 1947) $
half dollar: Franklin (1948 to 1963)$
half dollar: Kennedy (1964 to present)$

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